Aigul Grand


Expert at work

with the subconscious.

- Entrepreneur/Psychologist
federal media and TV/
Business trainer/Coach

- Author of unique techniques,
uniting the work
with family and subconscious

- Led the company to
billion turnover
in 4 months.
My contact

People contact me with requests:

📍You’ve lost your bearings in life and don’t understand
where should you go next?

📍Do you want to become more confident, holistic,
a harmonious and wiser person

📍Do you want to earn more money,
but something will limit your potential

📍You have been searching for your Path for a long time,
you want to understand your
mission and purpose in this life

📍Do you have questions about restoring your health?
through thinking, psychosomatics, hormone correction

📍Situations with the loss of loved ones, feelings of guilt.

📍Strive to improve relationships with loved ones and
want to understand how you can approach them

📍Do you want to find contact with Yourself and your Soul,
develop your sensitivity and intuition
Tilda Publishing
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for analysis